About us
Stephen Gratto is not just another product of a misspent youth. Sure, he put in lots of time as a kid mastering the arts of juggling, unicycling, rope walking,
stilt walking, and balancing, but he managed to find time to get a BA in physics, a BS in electrical engineering, an MS in teaching, and a CAS in Public School Administration.
After six years spent yawning behind a computer at the IBM corporation, Stephen chucked his engineering career and became a middle school and high school
physics teacher, as well as a professional performer. Physics and juggling are as closely related as teaching and performing, so Stephen has merged his careers together to create a selection of
entertainment options that will educate, elucidate, and enthrall the masses.
For over 35 years Stephen has been performing his comedy variety shows (and other more educational options) for delighted audiences at festivals,
celebrations,, corporate parties, educational institutions, and wherever quality family entertainment is appreciated.
Juggler by uhhh... Other days
Times have changed. Stephen now serves as the Superintendent of New Paltz Central School. His three sons perform with him on a limited basis and their
skills grow every day. The Stephen Gratto Comedy Juggling Show has evolved into Gratto and Sons Family Entertainers (Gratto Fellows). Stephen and the boys are available for performances
around the country and around the world.